Friday, November 10, 2006

Thank you for your precious time

Rabbit is not out for looking for any sympathy.

Husband is supportive and says right is right, wrong is wrong. I have never whine nor complain to him. He is thankfully not turning a blind eye to realities.

If people think that all daughter-in-laws should be SLAVES and lose our personal lives once married and have our lives dictated by mother-in-laws, I think they should be banished to SIBERIA. So distant relatv who commented on my last post, careful you’re sparking an uproar from daughter-in-laws all round the world……

Little Rabbit is demanding TO ME not TOWARDS ME because she is hyperactive and I just can’t take my eyes off her for even a split second. I never think anybody would be interested to know why she is demanding. She looks like her daddy who looks like his mum, there satisfied? I never judge one person by his or her looks, I like to look deep inside. It may sound lame to you but a lot of people have commented Big King is lacking on the aesthetic appearance side when I first presented him to friends and family. It don’t matter love, I love you for who you are.

There are people who’s interested to know how I rate myself. Chinese have a saying,”ask the heart and has a clear conscience” sums me up. I am not going to whine here how much I have done and still not being appreciated. Like I said before, not looking for any sympathy.

Thank you for all those who have taken your precious time to read my rantings eventhough they are meaningless to you.


Anonymous said...

Yes! Rabbit, I love you!! We all love you...

Anonymous said...

Ignore all the negative comments from others, you are a wonderfull human being, you share your recipes and always help others asking your help . You have to be around good person to be a good person, so keep a distance from the negative people,will make you miserable and negative also. Cheers,
your cyber friend

Anonymous said...

Could find free range chicken (ayam kampung?) but not cooking wine in point d. Where did you buy it from?

Rabbit Sim said...

To public toilet?? :) and cyber fren:
Thank you for your support but I still wonder how people jump so quick to conclusion by mere few words on screen. I am surrounded by people with lots of love to give, haha true or not frens?, at least I feel so.

To anonymous who found organic chicken in point d, err, where is that? If in ang moh country cooking wine can be found in Chinese supermarket, usually just called Chinese Rice Wine or good supermarkets like Waitrose and Sainsbury.

Anonymous said...

No Sainsburys here leh. Only Tesco and Dunnes Store. Ok, so no cooking wine. I have to give up now.

Ha ha ha... you have many friends in "public toilet" indeed!

Anonymous said...

Rabbit Sim, it's so difficult to get into your blog. I must type the password 8 times. I last viewed your blog in April(?) and it wasn't like this. How're you getting on?